Individual Therapy for Relationship Issues

What positive changes do you want for your life or for your relationship?  Clients who call us are often successful in many aspects of their lives but feel stuck, like something is not right or not working anymore.

Twin Cities Marriage and Family Counseling can help you work through self-defeating behaviors, finding productive ways to successfully meet your life goals. Call us if you experience a lack of meaning in your life, painful relationship patterns, or unable to manage negative emotion

You have our commitment of sensitive straight-forward feedback that will provide a “Blueprint for Change” within the first three visits.

How We Work

Therapy can help you achieve peace of mind, gain self respect and experience emotional freedom.

We help you identify changes to be made, provide support and guidance, identify realistic goals with measurable outcomes, develop new thinking or behavioral patterns, and learn new skills and tools.​

People come to us for help with the following:

  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Trauma (Physical, Sexual, Emotional)
  • Problems with a Narcissistic Parent or Partner
  • Attachment or Abandonment Disorders
  • Social Anxiety, Shyness, and Phobias
  • Self Esteem Issues and Insecurity
  • Irritability, Arguing, and Anger Management

Don’t wait for change to just happen. The sooner you get help, the better you will feel, the more direction your life will have!

Contact us now for information or to set up an appointment.

Sign Up for Our Counseling Today

Include how you would like to be contacted to discuss your appointment (ex. Phone on Tuesday mornings)
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